Use the Quantum Dowsing Opal Cures to activate the male quantum aspects of your home and office. You can use these cures after studying Quantum Dowsing Basic and the Quantum Dowsing Advanced Video Programs.
Package contains 30 pieces.
Excludes shipping and handling, local VAT and custom fees.
Quantum Dowsing Opal Cures
Customer Love
Quantum dowsing has helped me and my family so much especially in my parent's property development business. My mum just told me after I dowsed her home and office, the next day potential investors started walking in her office, big supermarket brands started looking for her, projects started getting approved by the government in a short period of time, banks started approving loans for the company. She managed to pay off all her debt from a loan shark which made her really stressed these past few years. Even in this pandemic time, everything is still moving forward smoothly for us.
Jonathan W., Malaysia